2006 mac pro power supply location 2 temperature
2006 mac pro power supply location 2 temperature

2006 mac pro power supply location 2 temperature

2006 mac pro power supply location 2 temperature

The power supply sources have four galvanically uncouples channels. Power supply sources have embodiment without power backup and with power backup (the input of power backup is galvanically uncoupled from the mains). In accordance with State Standards the power supply sources perform auxiliary function. Power supply sources are designed for operation in continuous mode and for power supply of self-cancellation bridge in instruments of thermocontrol of the system СКУД NPS «Busher».


Table 1.1 Output Modification Number of output channels features Construction Designation voltage code V four with with power БП 906А/24-4КР НКГЖ БП 906А/24-4К НКГЖ resistors four with resistors backup without power backup Power supply sources БП 906А (of increased reliability) are produced in the version for Nuclear Power Station, they are used as components of control systems of technological processes of Nuclear Power Station (NPS). PURPOSE Power supply sources of direct current БП 906А (hereinafter power supply source), enumerated in the table 1.1, are designed for conversion of mains voltage of 220 V into stabilized voltage of 24 V. Example of the record of designation when orderingģ 1. Purpose Technical data and specifications Complete set Design and functioning of the devices Safety measures regulations Preparation for operation Operation procedure Rules of transportation and storage Acceptance certificate Package certificate Resources, Terms of life and storage and guaranties of the producer (supplier) Appendix А. 1 License for production ЦО of 10 Jule 2008 was issued by ЦМТУ on ЯРБ Rostehnadzora SCIENCE AND PRODUCTION COMPANY RELIABLE DEVICES AND SYSTEMS OF TECHNOLOGICAL MONITORING POWER SUPPLY SOURCES OF DIRECT CURRENT БП 906А/24-4КР Certificate Подп.

2006 mac pro power supply location 2 temperature